CALL: 1-800-318-1204
WRITE: 23 Bliss Ave. Tenafly, NJ 07670
The artwork displays a reproduction of an original painting “Mary, Queen of the Missions” (the Spanish version of the folder carries the image of “Our Lady of Guadalupe”, Patroness of The Americas). The certificate is signed by the Provincial of the American Province of the Society of African Missions (SMA).
The purpose of the Perpetual Mass Association is threefold:
- it provides our friends and supporters with a beautiful way to “gift” special people on special – or even difficult – occasions in their lives (birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, times of illness, death etc.);
- it ensures that we honor our commitment to pray for our benefactors enrolled in the Association; and
- it’s a way we can raise some of the funds needed to maintain and develop our missionary work in Africa.
Those enrolled in the Perpetual Mass Association share the spiritual benefits of the following:
- A Mass celebrated every day throughout the year in the SMA Provincial House in Tenafly, New Jersey.
- A Novena of Masses in November for deceased members of the Association and the deceased relatives of present members.
- A remembrance in the daily Masses and prayers of the priests of the SMA American Province.
- A share in the public prayers of our Christians and Catechumens in Africa
- A remembrance in the Masses of the special SMA Feast Days throughout the year: Feast of St Joseph (19th Mar), Easter Sunday, Feast of the Sacred Heart (Jun), Feast of the Ugandan Martyrs (3rd Jun), Mission Sunday (Oct), Feast of St Therese of Lisieux (1st Oct), Feast of the Immaculate Conception (8th Dec) and Christmas Day.
When you are ready to present the folder:
- Write the name of the person to be enrolled on the top line of the certificate and your name and address as the enroller on the bottom lines. Present the completed folder to the person enrolled or to the family of the deceased.
- Fill out the enrollment card and forward it to us in the postage paid envelope with your offering. The size of the donation to have someone’s name enrolled is up to your own generosity and your desire to help us with our mission work (we have a minimum donation of $15 to help us cover costs). Your offering is used to assist our missionaries in their work among the poor.